Friday 5 February 2016


The primary research I undertook for my unit 12 'live brief' is when doing my sketch book for the shawlands project I did a verity of drawings and photos taken from either books that I had when I was younger or one I took out of the library. I had also been round the display boards in the college to take pictures of the way the boards change for the certain topics. Level 2 which is child care was the most useful for me because it had numbers words and ideas from childrens book. I also used primary research for my gallery research I went around the cooper gallery and experience Barnsley and too photos of the displays an my exhibition. I also used secondary research in my sketchbook when I had taken books from  the Internet and also books I printed off for my mood boards and also for my sketch book and customer board. I developed my primary research on books for my display boards when I choose the ks1 board to be Elmer which I took from a book I bought. So I took forward Elmer and also the coloured squares which make Elmer up. From the secondary research I found on books for example my cat in the hat and the gruffalo I took the pictures I found online to make up one design for my ks1 board and also one for ks2 board. I also developed my research when I took Winnie the Pooh from one of my own books and then used the drawings as one of my artist sheet and then turned that into one of my  display board designs for ks2. And finally I took my research forward when I used the photos from the Internet of the key points in my 4 seasons design and used them to make up the design on the wall.
When we had our one day project of creating a 30cm x 30cm knitted price we had to take certain elements into our design firstly the specific size that they wanted and also the colour they wanted no matter what material we knitted/ weaved etc with the colour had to be black so I had to make sure that them elements where in my final product to suit the customers requirements. When doing my shawlands project the client did influence what work and ideas I developed because the where certain requirements like the age range, that it had to promote books, the measurements, making sure the paint is suitable for radiators and that the blue on the library wall is gone. So when doing my designs and idea I had to make sure I took on all these. But throughout the process i wasn't asked to change anything. At the cooper gallery we did a day of designing a app for the gallery and  to give us an idea on how we couldn't design it I got to experiment because we was given and outline of a phone on a sheet and then given loads of printed icons and pictures ect so we got do see that in a visionary way which for me makes me understand better. When I came to designing my library wall I had a problem because I didn't know how much I needed to work out for the costing sheet how many or what size of tub of paint we would need so we don't have enough or buy too much. So to get a ruff idea we had to work out the area of the wall which then gave us the size of the wall and then I could work estimate how much paint I would need and that solved my problem and also saved money. If there would have been no client constraints from shawlands I would have kept the book idea the same because I loved being able to do about children's books because it interests me from when I was younger. I don't think I would change anything because the colours where great because they are bright and the plain blue wall needed covering up. 
When deciding my designs for the display boards I was struggling at first but then I looked backed in my sketch book at the books I had done for primary and secondary research and then researched what age range they where for and then started using them and the drawings I had to make a design for ks1 and 2. When it and to the library wall I'd already had and idea before u had drawn anything or done my sketchbook. So that's why I created the seasonal mood board so I could get the pictures that represent the key points of each time of year and then I could vision how they would look and the layout on the wall.
At the cooper the customer did influence my design because firstly our group where thinking that the adults will want to look at the work but what about if they have children so we came up with the idea to add games and activities into it so the children influenced that. Also the place we was doing this was the cooper so streight away its art related to I made sure then when we designed the app that it had pictures of artists work in it.
the things I believe to have gone well throughout the working with an audience project was my sketchbook. I managed to set out my pages by splitting it into two then splitting each section into primary and then secondary research and then my designs, ideas and colour schemes. so I think it came out really well with lots of media and materials I used. however I think I need to work on my measuring skills and maths because when it came to the costing sheets I didn't know how to work out the area of the wall and I didn't understand the litres of paint that I needed to cover the part of the wall. i think i managed my time well further on in the project because i was using my time management sheets effectively, however at the begging of the project the it was the Christmas holidays so had distractions and busy days which stopped me from doing work and put me behind so next time i need to make sure that i manage my time over the holidays as well as when im at college.
i think i have used my blog well because i added a program that i watched over the holidays based on books so it was a different way of finding out information about books and also looks great on my blog and makes it more interesting.
when it came to presentation time i prepared for it by making sure all my sheets where together so i wasn't lost and trying to find certain sheets while i was stood up talking. i also passed my sketch book around while presenting so the audience had a better insight to my research and how id got to where i was. i think my presentation could have gone better because i missed a few important parts because i was nervous and one of my pages had got stuck to the other page so i had to rip it off while i was stood up. there was also a few questions asked which i couldn't answer. my strength in the project i believe is my ideas and how they where suitable for my audience and also my sketch book but if i was to do it again i would tru a new idea for the library wall and also work better on my annotation and know how to flow my work from one to another when presenting it.

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