Friday 13 March 2015


For our first day of ceramics we first had to make our own little clay tiles with what ever we wanted to put on them. First we had to roll out the clay and make it about as thick as two wooden sticks. We then had cylinder already solid clay with patterns on them so we could roll them onto the clay to give it texture. I then got a smallish square  board and cut around it on the clay which gave me my square. I then decided I was going to do a flower. So first I cut out the petals and then cross hatched the back of them. I then cut out a circle for the Middle of my flower and the stem and the leaves and cross hatched them too. I then added water to them and cross hatched where they where going to go and then stuck them down. I added detail to the leaves. This was my final design.
After it had been put into the kiln we got to paint them this was it finished. 

After we had to make an animal I decided to make a bird, first I had to roll my clay into a ball and then press the inside to make it into a cup shape. I then folded the middle bits to make sure it was hollow inside so it doesn't blow up in the kiln. I then smoothed both sides to make one side the head and one side the tail and shaped the head side to make a beak. This was it finished. 
Like the tile after it had been in the kiln I had to paint them this was the final piece. 

For my last tryout I decided to make a small bowl so I could do patterns on it when it comes to painting it. I started off with a large ball of clay and slowly shaped it out from the inside. This was the finished product. 

For the next week we did one of the oldest pot making methods coiling where you use a coiling machine to push the clay through which made 4 spaghetti like strings. We then had to make a base using another lump of clay which we had to make into a circle and then build up the coils and smooth them together to make a small bowl this was my final piece.
And then after I had painted it. 

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