Tuesday 24 March 2015

Time based project

Time base media and a type of art which relies on technology it is done in a certain amount of time and then you can edit it to give effects and add slides it makes just normal photos more interesting. 

Christian Boltanski is a French sculptor, photographer, painter and film maker. he was born on 6 of September 1944. In 1986, Boltanski began creating mixed media/materials installations with light. he used Tin boxes, altar-like construction of framed and manipulated photographs. In the early 1980s Boltanski ceased using objets trouvĂ©s as a point of departure. Instead he produced theatrical compositions' by fashioning small marionette-like figures from cardboard, scraps of materials, thread and cork, painted in colour and transposed photographically into large picture formats.
for our first day we had to get into pairs and draw around each other on a massive price of paper on the floor.
We then had to scale it down and copy it on to a4 paper. After we where given wire and we had to shape it to the outline on the a4 paper and then as a brain and heart and lungs with a thinner wire this was mine.

 Later we then went and drew on the windows on the collage building and we had to take picture on the camera every 5 seconds as the other person was drawing the view this was the drawing we ended up with. 

The week after we where looking at the zoetrope.

To make the animation strip we had to fold the paper into twelve and then think of a short animation I chose the growing of a flower and then a butterfly coming to it. The begging of the animation had to start at the farest ends and what ever you put on one side it had to be mirror imaged. This was my final strip. 
We then had to put it in the zoetrope and film the small animation it created by spinning it. 
for the next week we started building cardboard boxes to make our own structure and then filmed it on time-lapse and then disassembled them we then as a whole group build a pyramid but it took us a few times to get a proper structure and strategy. This was the final structure.
We then built a wall which went round the room and put and structure inside with all the wire silhouettes fastened up and then a light inside that projected the reflection onto the cardboard boxes. This was a few photos I took throughout the process 

The week after we had to take pictures around Barnsley South Yorkshire of the buildings and skylines around the town center and also patterns in brick work and windows and railings etc.. These where some of my pictures. 

We then had to work in pairs and between us have one cardboard box where we had to makes each side like a part of the buildings that we had taken pictures of we could also make it abstract and choose different parts. These where our 4 sides.

For our final day we had to take all out ideas of buildings etc. and use thin coloured plastic and make our own design on the class windows and also hand things from the ceilings like cars clouds etc. this was our windows when we finished 

We then added our boxes to the from the week before to our classroom to create a town type structure this was it all finished.

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