Tuesday 22 September 2015

The world i live in

For our first project of year two over the summer holidays we where given the project "the world i live in" which was to create a full art book of primary research including observational drawings, photographs and items stuck in. And also to visit gallerys around yorkshire and to find some artists that link to the project for example tracy emin who did the photo of all the stuff collected on her bed over a year period. Here is my mind map on idea i came up with.

Some of these included my mum, friends, historical places and parks i have visited around yorkshire, important items and important events. 
I have used a verity of media including pencil, acrylic, watercolour, coloured pencils on black and white paper. Also biro on tissue paper, paper techniques to paint over for example weaving. Feathers, straws, buttons, scrap book paper, sewing and knitting examples. Leaf printing, collage, tea baging the paper and stipling and dry brushing for backgrounds. Ive done portraits, landscapes, observational drawings and drawings from photos. Also line drawings and cross hatching, continuous line drawing and blind drawing. Also i visited the yorkshire made me exhibition at the cooper gallery which was a verity of famous people born and bred from yorkshire, which i took photos of and put in my book with the leaflets and information guide. I have also started to move onto the world around me so i have done a collage of new papers. Here are a few of my favorite pages. 

Overall i think my book has turned out well because it shows all the important things in my life and had a verirty of media and techniques in it to make it appealing to the eye. If i was to do it again i would work on my time keeping because i have had to catch up with it inbetween the rest of the project because i didnt get it done over the holidays. 

From doing primary research we then moves onto secondry artists research  we got to pick artist that link to our art books. Firstly because i am intrested in scenery photography and did a veritry of them in my art book i decided to find some scenery artists and do critical artists. I took out a book from the libary and found three artists that work i found intresting i choose Alan gussow, Ted christensen and Nell blaine. Here is my finished peice.

I did all three in acrylic and was very happy how they came out. 
If i was to do it again i would make the critical studys bigger and put the annotation on the back. 
For my second sheet i decided to do portrait because it linked to the family and friends portraits i did in my sketch book. I choose Julian opie, Karen kilimnik, and Mary cassat. Here is my finished peice. 

I did two in acrylic and the middle one is brown paper drawn over the top with coloured pencil. I love the julian opie style because its minimal but has everything  it need to give us an idea of the persons personality. I am also thinking of using his style for my final peice. If i was to do it again i would put the annotations on the back so i can make the painting bigger.

For my final artist sheet i choose a photography artist, one reason because i am intrested in photography and thought it would be interesting to find places around barnsley that represent these photos. The photographers i choose are Henry cartier-bresson and Andreas gursky. Here is my final peice. 

I enjoyed doing the photography artist research because it was intresting to do a critical study a different way than just drawing or painting it. Furthermore i think they come out really good and look alike. If i was to do it again i would find another photographer and put the annotation on the back. 

After doing artist research we started doing our mood boards i decided to do three collages to represent three different apspects of the world i live in.
The first one i choose to do was things around me. For example nature and scenery and water, other countrys, food and drink, furniture and interior design, clothing, makeup, jewlery, attractions, celbrities, music, film and technology.
 This was my final mood board 

My second mood board is the world around me so i split the board in half and did half about barnsley which i took from broches about whats going of in barnsley, and then half about the world in genral taken from news papers.
This was my final peice. 

My final mood board was of my intrests in books, tv programs, films and music when collaging them i used magazines, leaflets out of dvd cases, dvd cases, lyric books inside cds,  tv guides and photocopied pages from my books. 
This was my finished peice. 

Afterwards i started my design sheet, i already had an idea on what my final peice was going to be it was based on what I had done in the lino printing workshop, where I did 4 small cut-outs of my mum and three friends which I then cut down to three people to be on my series of canvas's so i just swapped the designs and coulours to see what would work best here was my final development design sheet

I think it worked well because the gouache looked great so even though on my samples I'm going to try my other two favourite media, gouache is my favourite for a Julian Opie inspired piece. I was quite happy with my design already but there where just a few changes I wanted to make so I changed them around the edges. and I think they looked much better. I knew by then that I was going to make it a series of paintings

after my design development it was time to do my samples I decided that I wanted to try out watercolour and acrylic as well so I did nine 15x12 paper samples 3 of each person in gouache and then the same in acrylic and watercolour. even though I tried them out the gouache was still the best because it was the right colours and it gave a smooth and opaque texture which is like what Julian Opie does. the water colour was too transparent with it being diluted which gave it a rustic look and the acrylic was not the right colours and really streaky. these where my samples.

after I had choose my media and my designs where ready I was able to start my final designs I stretched my canvas with a little help because it was the first time I had done one, my canvas's where about double the size of my samples, I then coated them with two layers or emulation and after they where dry I drew out my pictures using a guide from my samples. I think they came out great because the black out lines taken from Julian Opie made it look neater. the colours came out block and solid and the scaling was just right. I really liked my piece but its not usually my type of thing because I like shading and neutral colour but it was nice to trey something different. here where my final pieces.

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