Tuesday 28 October 2014

Observational drawing& mark making project evaluation

In this first project we have learnt about a few drawing and mark making techniques 3 of them was used or was optional to use in our first piece of work. where we had to draw the object in front of us and we had to use Cross hatching, tonal shading and continuous line drawing. This was my final two drawings.
Using cross hatching 

Using tonal shading
Through out the project we have also learnt about line drawing, dotting and also rubbing out with rubber to show light . And also while doing my close up, boxes project I leant that I had used optical blending. The techniques that I have done before are cross hatching , tonal shading and dotting so I am more confident with them. But continuous line is the one I have done before. 

I used and applied media In different ways to get mostly different textures. The  4 studies which I talk about next how adding backgrounds gives you a different way of having to draw your object. Also I think I used lots of different media in my far away and close up boxes because I was trying different ways of drawing the item but still giving it the same shading showing the light and also the detail. So throughout my 9 boxes I used coloured pencil to make it interesting. I also used optical blending on my first one because on the object the colours where really blended into each other, I also used dots for the glitter, so I think that worked really well this was my coloured pencil drawing of the butterfly.

I also used fine liner and pencil to really get the light and dark area and the once dried add more detail over the top this was my final drawing of the butterfly with the. Fine liner and water.
 And finally I used tonal shading because I love working with pencil and it gave it the 3d look. This was my pencil work of the butterfly.

I think the 4 studies on backgrounds has been effective because it gave it more texture. The first one was a coloured pencil observational  drawing over collage I think it looked good because the pencil looked different and also gave it more detail with the writing in the back ground. This was my drawing on top of the collage. 

My second box which was coloured pencil over drawing ink, I thought was effective because I made it a paler background so the pencil would stand out I think it looks really effective and I think the brush is bold and shows up well and the line effect for the Brissels makes them look ruff. 
I haven't done my scrafitto drawing yet but I think it will be effective because my background behind the black paint is bet colorful, so when you scratch it off it will stand out. I think it will look effective because you can do mark making for example cross hatching for the shading so it will leave some of the paint on and also you can do lines or dots if there is a pattern in what I will be drawing. However I think it may be challenging in a way because once you have scratched the paint off you can't redo it so I need to make sure I  have an idea before I start.

I think my homework studies are quite effective because it helps that it's your own items and rooms ect so it's unique to you. Also you are used to looking at them so it should be easier to see detail and pattern or shading. And because of that I think most of my homework studies where successful for example my closeup drawing of my wardrobe in coloured pencil. 
I think it looks effective because you can see the shadows of the clothes overlapping and also the creases in the clothes. I have also used detail for the clothing which I think makes it more interesting. I think all of them where successful like this one because all of them except one had detail and shading and I got to used dots and cross hatching an other mark making. And the other was a line drawing so that got me to use different drawing techniques as well. I think I spent enough time on the homework as they needed apart from my last one of the bedroom corner in biro I fond it harder to do because it was in biro so in places like the pattern on the onside I think it is rushed Abit so next time I need to spend more time on it. 
I feel like I have made the best drawing and mark making outcome possible within the time frame because I made sure I took my time to do the look closely at the items and makes sure I could put as much detail and use as many different drawing and mark making techniques as possible and if I would have rushed it would have looked messy. 

I really would like to do more on impasto painting because I just went straight for it so it's making me more comfortable around painting and drawing without doing an outline. Plus I managed to do it in time and didn't have to take it home.

I have really enjoyed this project because I love working with pencil and observational drawing but we have also be able to draw our own items so it makes it more interesting to draw and try new materials, I really liked the home works apart from the shoes one because it was just and outline and I like my drawings with lots of detail. I also didn't like the drawing in coloured pencil over white paint because it was hard to draw over. But overall I have really liked using all the different mark making especially cross hatching. 

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